Springtime Pests in GA: Ball Ground, Canton, Jasper
Springtime Pests in GA: Ball Ground, Canton, Jasper
Are you finding yourself quarantined with unwelcome, pesky house guests? I think we can all agree that springtime looks a little different this year. As the current COVID-19 situation unfolds, we are all spending more time than usual inside our homes. Unfortunately, though, virus or no virus, all of the bugs emerging from their winter hibernation are about to make your home a little more crowded. Which unwelcome house guests will be invading as spring temps continue to rise? Be on the lookout for these four pests so you can send them packing this spring with a little pest control help from SurGuard Exterminating (SEI).
With extra time at home and more incentive for kids to play outside, homeowners have to be vigilant in keeping an eye out for ticks this spring. Although warm southern states such as Georgia have to deal with a year-round tick season, the tick activity here peaks in the spring. For assistance ridding your Cherokee or Pickens County home from ticks, call SurGuard Exterminating for more info. The three most common ticks in Georgia are as follows: the lone star tick, the American dog tick, and the black-legged tick. These pests make a living by hiding out on the edges of grass or leaves (a process known as “questing”), catching a ride on a chosen host, and finding a desirable spot to bite before drawing blood. Unlike other biting pests, a tick stays attached to its victim, though. Fun fact: Ticks are actually arachnids, which means they’re closer relatives to spiders than a mosquitoes or other types of bugs.
Carpenter AntThis particular home-invasive pest can become the culprit of major structural damage to your trees or house if left untreated. The carpenter ant, the largest ant species found in Georgia, has power in numbers. A mature nest can house between 10,000 and 20,000 workers with some even boasting more than 50,000. In Georgia, carpenter ants emerge from hibernation and are active from March/April until early fall.
Carpenter ants, contrary to popular belief, do not eat wood as termites will. Instead, they chew out nesting sites or tunnels to feeding sites, excavating the most favorable damp, dead wood with preferable warm temps. In compromising whatever structure selected, they leave behind their signature “frass,” a pile of sawdust-like shavings. Ask SEI how they can help prevent such disaster from befalling your home – servicing zip codes 30114, 30107, 30143, 30183, and more.
Palmetto Bugs
With the scorching summer heat just around the corner, another pest you should be on the lookout for is the palmetto bug, which is another name for the American cockroach. They become active in the spring sometimes as they scramble to get outside after taking refuge in your house during the cold winter months. These creatures are most active at night when they are on the hunt for food. The last thing anyone wants is to wake up and step up one of these in the middle of the night!
Cockroaches are quite resilient and can generally live an astounding three months without food or one month without water. You are likely to find these pests hiding out in any damp, dark corner of your house. They might forfeit their plan to get outside and decide to stay around your house, though, if you have the right conditions and enough food for them. Yikes! Canton, Jasper, and Ball Ground home owners, let us help you send these creatures away for good.
Kudzu Bugs
Although not harmful to humans, this next pest can cause quite the stink in your house, figuratively and literally. Kudzu bugs, the smaller cousin of the brown marmorated stink bug, emit a similar pungent odor when disturbed or crushed. Kudzu bugs’ activity rises in the spring and fall before and after its preferred host plants (kudzu or soybean) have peaked. A Kudzu bug can be particularly detrimental to you if you are a home gardener or have any bean plants.
When in doubt, call SurGuard Exterminating for all your pest control needs. We offer unbeatable service throughout Ball Ground, Canton, and Jasper with a 100% guarantee, so don’t hesitate. Act today and save yourself and your house from allowing these unwanted pests to take up any more of your time and home. No matter how big or small the problem this spring, we are here for you.
Written By: Ashley Gibson
David Gibson, Owner
SurGuard Exterminating, Inc.
Snakes in Canton and Ball Ground, Georgia
Snakes In Canton and Ball Ground, Georgia
There are several kinds of snakes you can find in Canton and Ball Ground, Georgia. Some snakes are poisonous like the rattlesnake, copperhead, and cottonmouth (also known as the water moccasin) while some are non-poisonous like the rat snake, garter snake, and corn snake. There are a few ways you can identify a non-poisonous snake from a poisonous snake. Non-poisonous snakes have a rounded head with round pupils while a poisonous snake have a pointed head with slit pupils. Poisonous snakes have heat-sensing pits unlike non-poisonous snakes.
Generally, humans and snakes can live together in harmony. Most snakes will avoid human interaction at all cost. Having snakes around can be beneficial because they eat cockroaches, mice, and rats. Non-poisonous snakes can also drive poisonous snakes away. The reason snakes like to live around your home is because they can find food, water, and shelter. On occasion, they will become a problem because they are getting into your house or in your personal space. If a snake gets stepped on or cornered it may feel threatened and can bite you or your pets.
Here at SurGuard Exterminating, we are well trained in taking care of the occasional snake that invades your personal area. We will try with every effort to live catch and release in a more suitable area so everyone is happy. It’s also a good idea to keep brush piles, firewood, and debris piles away from your home since these areas can be a perfect harborage for snakes.
Feel free to contact us if you have an unwanted visitor and need him removed. No snake too big or too small!
Written by Carson Gibson (age 11)
David Gibson, Owner
SurGuard Exterminating, Inc.
Ant Treatment and Control in Ball Ground, Canton, Woodstock and Marietta, GA
They come in a small package but are difficult to eliminate.
Ants are one of the most prevalent insects we see in Canton, Ball Ground, Woodstock, or Marietta, Georgia. Ants can invade your home through even the tiniest cracks. They will come indoors looking for food, water, and harborage. Trying to rid your home of ants on your own is difficult at best. Do it yourself treatments often only kill the ants you see and has a tendency to “scatter” the nest to other areas of your home. More importantly, different types of ants require different treatment approaches, so proper identification is crucial to solving the problem. If you are having issues with ants, let one of our trained pest control technicians identify your problem to select the best treatment. You can help control ant invasions by storing items such as sugar, syrup, honey, and even pet food in sealed containers. Rinse out empty soft drink containers and remove garbage daily. General maintenance on your home, such as fixing leaky pipes, repairing water damaged wood, and cleaning your gutters will help to prevent ants. Once an appropriate plan of action is in place, pest elimination can be guaranteed.
With The SurGuard Advantage, our pest control professionals can help eliminate your ant problem for good.
By: David Gibson
SurGuard Exterminating
Mosquito Control and Treatments in Canton, Woodstock, and Marietta, GA
Mosquito Control and Treatments
With concerns about Zika and West Nile virus being an issue this mosquito season, SurGuard Exterminating in Canton, GA has a plan! If your concerned about not being able to spend quality time in your yard without the mosquitoes eating you alive, then there is a remedy that is affordable and effective. SurGuard Exterminating in Canton, GA offers mosquito treatments, depending on your specific needs, ranging from every two to four weeks. As an experienced full service pest control company, SurGuard offers a variety of services perfect for transforming your yard into a peaceful place for you and your family. Our most effective, top rated treatment is a barrier spray treatment that protects your yard for up to four weeks at a time. We also offer an all-natural mosquito control treatment option that repels mosquitoes for two weeks at a time. Not sure what you want? Contact our team and we can send one of our qualified technicians out to do a walk-through of your yard to recommend the best mosquito control solution for you.
In Georgia, the Asian Tiger mosquito is the most prevalent mosquito we have. Typically, this mosquito will bite in the early afternoon hours. About the time the grill warms up and the kids are playing in the backyard! The female mosquito is the only one that bites and must have a blood meal before her eggs will develop. Eggs are laid near or on the water, depending on the species. The egg-to-adult transition can occur in 7 to 10 days. Once the female mosquito reaches maturity the bites will begin. Most can fly at least 1 mile from their hatching area. Most people will experience itching and swelling after they are bitten. Mosquitoes typically lay their eggs in ditches, ponds, kiddie pools, flower pots, buckets, and various litter and debris. To help prevent mosquitoes in your immediate surroundings, eliminate any of these natural or manmade harborage areas. You can also change your dress attire to be better suited for repelling mosquitoes. Light colored clothing will be less attractive to mosquitoes and should be worn in afternoon adventures in your yard.
If you’re in need of mosquito treatments or you just have questions, feel free to contact us at SurGuard Exterminating. We would love to help you and your family enjoy your summertime activities in your yard.
By: David Gibson
SurGuard Exterminating
Canton, GA 30114